
Fire Feasts


‘When I eat, I’m feeding the divine fire within’.

Come and join our fire feast series! All food will be plant-based, freshly cooked from organic ingredients, where possible locally sourced, and all prepared with love on a real fire.

We intend to create a feast for all your senses with flavours focusing on the six tastes inherent in the five elements of Ayurvedic cooking. The combination of the crackling fires, the smell and colours of the natural surroundings, the sense and space of belonging embodied by gathering the ancient warmth and of course the delicious food – it is sure to be a memorable event.

For dates and more info please send me an email!

 Fire Feasts


We offer private and corporate seasonal fire feasts in the most unique and wild locations!

Whether you want to mark a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or an alfresco wedding, we offer you a bespoke, improbable event tailored to your preferences and needs. All food will be plant-based*, freshly cooked from organic ingredients, where possible locally sourced, and all prepared with love on open fire.

We intend to create a feast for all your senses inherent in the five elements of ancient Ayurvedic cooking tradition. The combination of the crackling fires, the smell and colours of the natural surroundings, the carefully curated scenery and decor, the sense and space of belonging embodied by gathering the ancient warmth and of course the delicious food – it is sure to be a memorable event.

* Our kitchen practices the concept of Ahimsa, an ancient tradition that believes in the principle of non violence towards all living beings. We hence offer a plant based cuisine refraining entirely from the use of any meat products and only utilising animal based gifts such as honey, ghee or cheese for special occasions ensuring its sustainable source. We do not see this as a restriction but rather a celebration of nature’s bounty and graciousness. We have a close connection to our farmers, that provide us with the best possible ingredients. Their produce is full of life, there is no toxic chemicals used in the growing process and they all care and respect our soil. Where possible we also sustainably forage seasonal delights. We believe this to be the most beautiful and peace-giving way to enjoy nature and feed our divine fire within.

Summer Fire Feast

Spring Fire Feast

Please email for price and booking enquiries. Thank you!